Kulturevents in Hamburg

Kurdisches Film Festival Panel 2

Mut! Theater

Über Kurdisches Film Festival Panel 2

Kawa Nemir, poet and translator, was born in 1974 in Igdir, Northern Kurdistan. He studied English language and literature at Hacettepe University in Ankara and at the University of Istanbul. Between 1997 and 2003, he worked as the editor of the Kurdish literary magazines Jiyana Rewşen and Rewşen-Name. In 2003, he founded the publishing house Bajar (Town).

To date, he has translated 106 books by many great British, American and Irish poets, novelists and dramatists into Kurdish. Nemir actively participates in the Kurdish theatre. In 2012, his translation, Hamlet, – its world premiere was organized in Amsterdam – was performed by the City Theatre of Diyarbakir, in which he played the part of Hamlet, the King. He wrote the theatrical adaptation of the Mem and Zîn of Ehmedê Xanî (Ahmad-i Khani) and it was performed by the City Theatre of Diyarbakir in 2014. He translated the librettos of the opera Tosca by Puccini into Kurdish and it premiered in 2019 in Amsterdam. His translation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare was staged in 2019. Nemir has translated James Joyce’s Ulysses into Kurdish. In 2010, he was awarded the Feqî Huseyn Sağnıç Language Award, which is annually given by the Kurdish Institute of Istanbul, in honour of his services to the Kurdish language. Translating Ulysses, a documentary made by Aylin Kuryel and Fırat Yücel about his translation of James Joyce’s Ulysses, was released in 2023. Nemir lives in Amsterdam.

Mut! Theater

Amandastraße 58
20357 Hamburg

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