Kulturevents in Hamburg

Kurdisches Film Festival Panel 1

Mut! Theater

Über Kurdisches Film Festival Panel 1

Lukman Ahmad was born in a Kurdish town in northeastern Syria (Rojav) called Al-Darbasiyah in 1972 adjacent to the Turkish border, and grew up in the city of Al-Hasakah.

He immersed himself in art by personal effort and self-education. Lukman came to the United States in 2010 as a political refugee and has settled in Virginia since that time, in addition to his work as a journalist and cultural arts presenter for the Kurdish service /Voice of America in Washington, DC, since 2014. He began his art journey in America in 2010 by participating in art activities in washington DC, and other states through group or individual exhibitions in addition to art workshops. He participated in many exhibitions and art activities in many countries of the worlds including Syria, Turkey, Iraqi Kurdistan, Switzerland, Lebanon, Japan, Germany, Spain, Italy , France, UK…

Lukman received many awards, the most recent of which was 2022 Kathleen K. Seefeldt Awards for Arts Excellence in Virginia also appreciation and recognition from the US Congress.

Mut! Theater

Amandastraße 58
20357 Hamburg

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Gefördert durch die Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg

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